Employers / Meet the team

Hannah Mayers

Transport Consultant - Manchester

Hannah Mayers

 What is your role within the Driving Force family?

“Recruitment Consultant”

Office debate - tea or coffee?


Have you had a famous encounter - tell us about it!

“Sir Alex Ferguson pulled my hat off once when I was a kid because I was shouting at the youth team for not passing the ball”

What are you binging on Netflix at the moment?

“All of the Harry Potters again!”

Dogs or cats?

“Dogs! I have three“

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

“People who chew loudly”

What was your first job?

“Sales assistant in Peacocks”

What was your favourite subject in school?


Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

“I can blow little bubbles”

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

“Lip balm (because I can't go without it!), a nail file and loads of Dr Pepper”

What is your irrational fear?

“Clowns and spiders!”

You're in a karaoke bar and someone hands you the mic - what song are you singing?

“Samantha by J-Hus and Dave"

What's the most used emoji in your phone?

“Laughing face emoji"

What's your top song on Spotify at the moment?

“Doja Cat - Agora Hills"