Employers / Meet the team

Joel Cragg

Senior Transport Consultant - Ellesmere Port

Joel Cragg

What does your day-to-day role look like? 

“360 role! (everything).

What do you like doing outside of work? 

“Playing / watching football (big Man U fan) and family time.”

Now for the important questions… 

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What do you do with the elephant?

“I’d take it to a theme park and make money by charging for elephant rides.”

What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?

“My kids faces when they saw they were having a baby sister!”

What was your first job?

“I worked at Sports Direct.”

What’s your top song on Spotify at the moment?

“Million dollar bill – Whitney Houston (BANGER).”

Did someone say Christmas?

If you could only listen to one Christmas song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

“Mariah Carey, All I Want for Christmas.”

What’s the best part of a Christmas dinner?


Brussels sprouts: yay or nay?

“Not a chance.”

Best Christmas film. Go.

“Home Alone or Polar Express.”

When do you put the Christmas decs up?

“As soon as I’m allowed.”

What’s the best Christmas present you’ve ever received?

“An Xbox back in the day.”

You can visit Joel’s LinkedIn page here

Take a look at the rest of our team members here